Quotas and rate limits

Quotas and rate limits for requests are separated into two categories: blockchain and non-blockchain requests. A request is considered a blockchain request if it involves performing an action that creates a blockchain transaction.

Currently, the API has the following blockchain requests: addItem, addMemory, transferItem

The rest are considered non-blockchain requests. Some examples of non-blockchain requests are: getItem, getMemory, addMetadata, listContracts, etc.


Blockchain Requests

Your subscription plan comes with two blockchain smart contracts. One for Polygon (mainnet) transactions and another for Polygon Mumbai (testnet) transactions. The Polygon testnet contract is meant for testing purposes. The quotas for Poygon mainnet and Polygon testnet differ.

  • Items: The number of Items you can mint per month (addItem).

  • Memories: The number of memories you can create per month (addMemory).

  • Transfers: The number of items you can transfer per month (transferItem).


Polygon Mumbai

Non-blockchain Requests

Rate limits

To ensure stable API performance during sudden increases in traffic, rate limits are used as safeguards. If the rate limiter is triggered by your request, the request will return an error. We suggest handling rate limit errors by incorporating a retry mechanism with exponential backoff.

The specific rate limits can vary depending on the plan and are detailed below. The limits are measured in terms of the allowed number of requests per second (RPS).

Last updated